Recommendation Rev. Ernie Lewis |
Dear ministry partner. Below is a short biography about and recommendation from Rev Ernie Lewis. He is a long time friend and still very active preacher and minister…long after retirement. Email: [email protected]
Greetings in the name of the Lord, I have something that I want to share with you, but first I want to tell you something about me. I have been a part of the Church of the Nazarene since birth. I was born on a Monday and my parents had me in church the next Sunday. I was called to preach in a revival when I was fourteen years old. My life has been all about serving God and my church. I have pastored in Virginia, Michigan and Florida. I pastored Clearwater First fifteen years before retiring. I love my church and the wonderful memories of times of revival in the church.
Saying that brings me to what I want to tell you. If you are ever looking for a Spirit filled, God anointed evangelist, I have a name for you. I would recommend my brother in the Lord Rev. Sam Burch. Sam has a heart for evangelism, and God is using Sam to preach the Truth of His Word and work with people on a personal basis. I have seen God change the lives of people through Sam's ministry.
There was an old commercial where this one kids says to his little brother, "Mikey, try it you will like it". I am saying to you. Try Rev Sam Burch, you will like him. Sam is the real thing.
Blessing on you, Ernie Lewis
Greetings in the name of the Lord, I have something that I want to share with you, but first I want to tell you something about me. I have been a part of the Church of the Nazarene since birth. I was born on a Monday and my parents had me in church the next Sunday. I was called to preach in a revival when I was fourteen years old. My life has been all about serving God and my church. I have pastored in Virginia, Michigan and Florida. I pastored Clearwater First fifteen years before retiring. I love my church and the wonderful memories of times of revival in the church.
Saying that brings me to what I want to tell you. If you are ever looking for a Spirit filled, God anointed evangelist, I have a name for you. I would recommend my brother in the Lord Rev. Sam Burch. Sam has a heart for evangelism, and God is using Sam to preach the Truth of His Word and work with people on a personal basis. I have seen God change the lives of people through Sam's ministry.
There was an old commercial where this one kids says to his little brother, "Mikey, try it you will like it". I am saying to you. Try Rev Sam Burch, you will like him. Sam is the real thing.
Blessing on you, Ernie Lewis