Sam Burch is a ministry partner of LifeMessage International Ministries

29081 US Highway 19N Lot 272 Clearwater, FL 33761-2449 Email: [email protected] Cell 727-249-9200
Greetings friends and servants of Christ Jesus. Thank you in advance for your careful and prayerful time in receiving, reading and responding to this letter. Following is some information regarding my heart’s desire to be available as God leads and to go anywhere God makes a way. If we never meet, I would urge your prayers for a real renewal and revival in our homes, churches, and neighborhoods that will spread in our land.
I was ordained in 1984 and am now re-entering the call of “renewal/revival” ministry in the Church of the Nazarene with the blessing of my Florida District Superintendent, and the Prairie Lakes District Superintendent. I have a rich heritage and love for the “Church.” I am grateful I was raised in a wonderful Nazarene pastor’s home. (I’m still somewhat normal 😊). Over the years I have served in pastoring, evangelism, church planting, speaking at conferences, and teaching in various settings. I am a graduate of MidAmerica Nazarene University with degrees in Religion and Psychology. I did attend Nazarene Theological Seminary for brief course work, though I surely won’t try to impress you with that. I have however, some enthusiastic and heartwarming recommendations that may be beneficial to you regarding my life and walk in relationships, my preaching, and teaching.
My wife Joy and I live in Clearwater, Florida, and have served the Florida District and Clearwater First Nazarene Church in multiple capacities, as well as recently engaging in various preaching and teaching assignments for churches and District workshops for the Prairie Lakes District Church of the Nazarene. My ministry has been utilized recently and over the years in other biblically sound evangelical denominations/ministries as well. I have a real care and heart for marginalized churches and individuals and connect very well on a multi-generational level.
I seek to present prayerful, anointed, biblical narratives and expositions that bring the Word to life. I am passionate about exposing the Word and stirring the flame in the lives of people through presenting the good news of Jesus Christ to new, mature, and pre-believers alike. My heart is to approach preaching and teaching in a way that will engage the unchurched as well as the life long and precious “saint.” I believe that the Holy Spirit that came at Pentecost, can and will bring a pure heart, power for service, and passion for souls through a deeper engaging of the scriptures and embracing of Jesus as the “Source” for every need as we encounter our culture.
I want my life to be refreshing, and redemptive for those I encounter. Availability to walk with a pastor personally and for the people would be offered in an ongoing fashion (if desired and beneficial), as the gospel is not only a message but the life behind it…mine and His. Though these may sound like fancy words or selling points…they are not. I desire to be a demonstration and reproduction of His life to my family, where I live, and where I go. His life must fill mine if my “message” is to bring life to others.
In the Father’s Heart,
Sam Burch
Greetings friends and servants of Christ Jesus. Thank you in advance for your careful and prayerful time in receiving, reading and responding to this letter. Following is some information regarding my heart’s desire to be available as God leads and to go anywhere God makes a way. If we never meet, I would urge your prayers for a real renewal and revival in our homes, churches, and neighborhoods that will spread in our land.
I was ordained in 1984 and am now re-entering the call of “renewal/revival” ministry in the Church of the Nazarene with the blessing of my Florida District Superintendent, and the Prairie Lakes District Superintendent. I have a rich heritage and love for the “Church.” I am grateful I was raised in a wonderful Nazarene pastor’s home. (I’m still somewhat normal 😊). Over the years I have served in pastoring, evangelism, church planting, speaking at conferences, and teaching in various settings. I am a graduate of MidAmerica Nazarene University with degrees in Religion and Psychology. I did attend Nazarene Theological Seminary for brief course work, though I surely won’t try to impress you with that. I have however, some enthusiastic and heartwarming recommendations that may be beneficial to you regarding my life and walk in relationships, my preaching, and teaching.
My wife Joy and I live in Clearwater, Florida, and have served the Florida District and Clearwater First Nazarene Church in multiple capacities, as well as recently engaging in various preaching and teaching assignments for churches and District workshops for the Prairie Lakes District Church of the Nazarene. My ministry has been utilized recently and over the years in other biblically sound evangelical denominations/ministries as well. I have a real care and heart for marginalized churches and individuals and connect very well on a multi-generational level.
I seek to present prayerful, anointed, biblical narratives and expositions that bring the Word to life. I am passionate about exposing the Word and stirring the flame in the lives of people through presenting the good news of Jesus Christ to new, mature, and pre-believers alike. My heart is to approach preaching and teaching in a way that will engage the unchurched as well as the life long and precious “saint.” I believe that the Holy Spirit that came at Pentecost, can and will bring a pure heart, power for service, and passion for souls through a deeper engaging of the scriptures and embracing of Jesus as the “Source” for every need as we encounter our culture.
I want my life to be refreshing, and redemptive for those I encounter. Availability to walk with a pastor personally and for the people would be offered in an ongoing fashion (if desired and beneficial), as the gospel is not only a message but the life behind it…mine and His. Though these may sound like fancy words or selling points…they are not. I desire to be a demonstration and reproduction of His life to my family, where I live, and where I go. His life must fill mine if my “message” is to bring life to others.
In the Father’s Heart,
Sam Burch
7 Although we could have been a burden as Christ’s apostles, instead we were gentle among you, as a nursing mother nurtures her own children. 8 We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.
1 Thessalonians 2:7-8
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1 Thessalonians 2:7-8
[email protected]