(Background Scripture Reading - Matthew 2:1-4)
A world shaking and life changing event was unfolding. A King from heaven itself had arrived, a leader on whose shoulders government could actually rest. This leader could bring peace beyond what the world claimed to give, which was external and temporary. His peace would be of the heart and mind, which is internal and eternal. He could do this because He was not only the King, but called the “Prince of Peace,”…what a description! Who in their right mind would not joyfully welcome this leader? What an easy decision it was to support this Man...or was it? “When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.” (Matthew 2:3). It is apparently not so easy after all is it? The Kingdom of Heaven, and specifically Jesus and His platform, (the Scriptures), is almost always a trouble and threat to the “herods” and the “jerusalems” they trouble or entice into their agenda. Do not be surprised then that Evangelical Christianity, more than any other lifestyle, is seen as politically and socially incorrect. Do not be surprised that if you truly live this lifestyle you will most often be on the wrong side of the kingdoms of this world. This was true in New Testament times, as both the blood of the martyrs down through the ages testify to, and the ridicule if not removal of the things of Jesus today confirm. Governmental “herods” are still seeking to kill Jesus, and they do not care one bit the cost of doing so to society, for these “herods” may bring attempts at control, but only Jesus can bring real change. Yet there is another kind of “herod” to address which is larger than anything mentioned yet. This larger obstacle to real change is the “herod” of the human heart. Jesus as “King” will likely pose a threat to my own personal kingdom and the “jerusalems” around me. There are only two responses available to me. One, allow the “herod” in me to seek out and eliminate any other “king” but self, and the other, allow the “wise man” in me to seek out the King of Kings and bow down and worship Him. Real change requires an admission that He is Lord, a submission to His love, and a surrender of my life…to fulfill His highest purpose. Now that is change to believe in. What is your response? Your Father’s Heart with love Comments are closed.
AuthorI have a desire to be the physical demonstration of the person of Jesus through all the ordinary activity of my life, and on this site through my "devotionals." My deep desire is to have intimacy with Jesus and the heart of my heavenly Father beating in my heart and impacting my wife and family, and then whoever and wherever God places me. Archives
March 2019
7 Although we could have been a burden as Christ’s apostles, instead we were gentle among you, as a nursing mother nurtures her own children. 8 We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.
1 Thessalonians 2:7-8
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1 Thessalonians 2:7-8
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