![]() What an exciting God we serve...but you knew that didn't you? Truly we are living in exciting times as there is an increasing awareness of darkness and light. John 1 tells us that the Light was coming into the world and the darkness could not overtake (comprehend) it. I believe we are being set up to be real demonstrations of Jesus to many who are hurting, hopeless, or having everything...but peace! We just finished a wonderful prayer conference with Dr. John Juneman, including Ron Edwards a very special friend presenting. The messages were truly outstanding and John is such a good friend to Clearwater First Nazarene. He is here every year to bless. We get to be incredibly blessed by housing them and spending time together. Their children are embedded in our family. Carey, John and Trina's son, has a Coast Guard appointment and is waiting for other offers pending. Chaili their daughter is flourishing in her job and spiritual development. Our ministry together comes from the friendship, not the other way around. We were so blessed to have good friends and family from us for the conference. Our friends Polly, and Julie traveled up from their "winter" homes in Sarasota, and my brother Bob and sister-in-law Donna were here from Minnesota. ![]() Another one of our moving times was to be a part of an installation service at Community Worship Center in Sandstone, MN. Gene Best and Judy Stillwell were anointed for service as elders on Sunday morning. We preached a weekend conference there and God really moved among us. While there, we were blessed to take part in the dedication of a new addition to the church. It was done in honor of my father, Robert Burch. He had come to the town in 1950 believing God was going to do something special in this oppressed little area. They are really growing in the Lord as they pray weekly in a special time together, as well as the services. The flames are stirring there. They can use prayer as they seek to stir the flames. ![]() I was blessed this past year to be able to minister in so many new ways. What a joy for this old man and his wife to see God move in so many arenas. Aside from the privilege of preaching or sharing at Clearwater First Nazarene, Many other opportunities came our way. We held several conferences and revivals in various places. One really great time spiritually and relationally was with Pastor Scott Mehlhoff and the Minot Southside Nazarene people. My brother Bob got to accompany me and he was a rich blessing to me and the people there as well. Pastor Scott and the people felt compelled to continue the revival four days beyond the schedule. Thank God for such open people and a pastor who leads them. We were moved by our time for two weeks at Winter Haven Nazarene Church (in Florida), where people came forward at each service following the message. We had wonderful dinners with the Heckathorns, and Ebys also. What a feeding ministry they have to the community, complete with its' own service for those who do not feel comfortable yet coming into the sanctuary. We also were blessed to travel up to Trenton, FL to speak at the Nazarene church there. What a great group to speak to. We had a wonderful dinner with a couple up there as well. Please pray for them as they seek God's heart for the future.
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7 Although we could have been a burden as Christ’s apostles, instead we were gentle among you, as a nursing mother nurtures her own children. 8 We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.
1 Thessalonians 2:7-8
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1 Thessalonians 2:7-8
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